Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cost of War

Source: War costs could total $ 1.6 trillion by 2009, panel estimates
For obvious reasons, war cost money. Money is spent for funding destruction; creation of weaponry, price increase in oil and gas, destruction of buildings and lives. After such destruction, money is yet again spent on reconstruction of the properties destroyed. Unfortunately, this war that I am talking about is not that of the past. The ongoing war between the United States and Iraq not only destroyed lives of thousands of people but it also brought the economy down as well. This economic affects more than the current residents of United States: it will be handed down to the next generation.
According to an article from CNN, War costs could total $ 1.6 trillion by 2009, panel estimates, congressional committee said in a report released Tuesday, "the total economic impact of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is estimated at $1.6 trillion by 2009." The article from CNN tells us that it is "nearly double the $804 billion in direct war costs the White House requested so far from Congress, the Democratic-led Joint Economic Committee said. Interestingly, White House says that these are datas manipulated by Democrats for political purposes.
In any case, regardless of the "supposedly hidden" purpose of this reports, don't you think it's time we put an end to this war that nobody wants?

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