Wednesday, June 18, 2008

War of Politics

People tell me that politic is like a war on the battle field, fought with power of words and wit instead of swords and shields. One may not always be truthful and more often than not lies and deception seems to be employed in order to obtain the power and win. I have not always found this struggle for power interesting, although I have often looked at it with eyes of amusement.

However, a recent accusation of Michelle Obama, wife of Barack Obama whom I believe everyone knows as one of the presidential candidate in upcoming election, caught my attention. Although I am not a American citizen, the current election was very interesting even to me as it was first time ever in American History that an African American (or more crudely, blacks) is running as one of the candidates. Michelle Obama was recently accused of having radical ideas regarding whitey and tumultuous interactions with other minorities. Furthermore, she is rumored to have led a life deeply involved in a black community. However, one does not have to look far to realize how absurd those accusations are. First of all, as many might have failed to neither notice nor realize that Barack Obama is a half white American (Ann Dunham, his mother was white origin). To me, it seems like an irony that Barack Obamas wife would be accused of making racial comments.

In any case, although I was not surprised to hear that there has never been any African American president previously in the U.S. It seemed strange that even till now, with such a diversity present here in the U.S. and lessening of racism (which never disappears), it took so long till the first one emerged. It is about time there are more fairer competition in this war of politics.

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